Recently in the first part of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the noises that tend to signal normal, standard operations within your air conditioning setup. On the flip side here, there are a number of noises that, if heard, tend to signal that a problem of some kind is present and requires a fix.
At Lee’s Heating and Air, we’re happy to help with a variety of air conditioning needs around Salt Lake City, Provo and American Fork, including AC repairs and maintenance for any situation. What are some sounds that often signal problems in your AC setup, and what often needs to be done about them? Here are some common examples.
Rattling or Banging
Often heard right near the start of a given cycle when your unit first turns on, this kind of noise signals that something isn’t quite right with your AC’s internal workings. The problem is usually due to either a loose part or an issue with an internal component, like the blower wheel or motor bearings.
Especially if the sound is heavy and banging in nature, this could signal a more serious problem, like an issue with the AC compressor. In any case, it’s time to call in a professional if you’re experiencing this kind of noise.
Whistling or Hissing
Usually heard multiple times throughout the cycle when your air conditioning is running, whistling or hissing noises can signal a variety of issues. One of the most common and serious here is a refrigerant leak, which is often a major risk because the chemicals involved are hazardous.
In other cases, it could signal a problem with the condenser or air handler in your system. Either way, this kind of sound usually requires an expert to track down and diagnose. As soon as you hear it, then, call the pros for help.
High-Pitched Squealing
Another highly concerning sound you may hear is squealing in a very high pitch, which typically means there’s an unsafe buildup of air pressure in your system. This could be caused by an issue with the fan motor, or it might mean a more serious problem like debris caught in or near the fan blades. If you hear this kind of sound, then shut off your AC immediately and call for professional help before turning it on again.
Not only is this pressure an issue for sound reasons, it’s damaging your system. Too much air in the compressor coil, for instance, will reduce air flow, which can lead to performance problems and a higher chance of other system damage.
Buzzing Sounds
One of the more nuanced kinds of noises in this realm is buzzing, which can represent a number of issues – some of which are relatively harmless, while others are serious and require attention. In the former area, sometimes buzzing can just mean your system needs to be cleaned – there might be debris on the outdoor unit, for instance, or your filter might need to be changed.
In other cases, it could mean a more intense mechanical problem. A bad capacitor can lead to buzzing noises, for instance, which means you’ll want an expert involved once again. It’s important to always get help when you hear this kind of noise in order to ensure everything is running properly and that your system is safe.
Constant Clicking
As we noted in part one of our series, a single clicking sound when your AC starts up is normal and standard – it typically indicates that your AC and thermostat are communicating properly. On the other hand, if you’re hearing more than that, or if it’s happening consistently throughout your system’s cycles, then there could be a problem with one of the components in need of attention.
Most commonly, this will be due to an obstruction or issue with the compressor, and it’s another instance where you’ll need to call in a professional for help. In many cases, clicking can be due to electrical problems as well, so that should be kept in mind when diagnosing the problem.
No matter what kind of noise you’re hearing around your air conditioning setup, it’s always good to use your ears and take notes on any strange or loud sounds that could signal a problem. That way, you can stay on top of any issues before they become too intense, all while keeping your system running as efficiently and safely as possible.
At Lee’s Heating and Air, our team has decades of experience in helping identify and diagnose AC problems, so if you need an expert’s assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out! Contact us today to learn more or schedule an appointment for any HVAC need around SLC, Provo or American Fork.