We all know that HVAC systems are essential to keep our home at a comfortable temperature, yet for some people, the V in an HVAC system is a mystery. What does it stand for? Is it really important? Why do you need it?
V in HVAC system stands for Ventilation and it is an important component for both good air quality and HVAC comfort. When you hire home AC service experts that will make sure your system is working to its efficiency and there is proper ventilation in your space.
What is Ventilation?
According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), an HVAC system should “heat, cool, clean, ventilate, humidify, and dehumidify as needed to provide health and HVAC comfort.”
While you may be probably familiar with the heating, cooling, humidification, and de-humidification feature of the HVAC system, do you understand why ventilation is important? Does it contribute to HVAC comfort?
Ventilation is one of the most important jobs in the HVAC system. Ventilation is important because your home lacks fresh air and become uncomfortable after some time. Moreover, there are high chances that your indoor air quality may be poor and may trap contaminants that can make you sick.
Reasons Why Your Home Need Good Ventilation
Proper ventilation helps get rid of moisture, smoke, indoor pollutants, odor, and more. Here are a few reasons why your home needs good ventilation.
Ways to Ventilate Your Home?
It is easy to ventilate your home. Ventilation systems are often categorized into the following types.
Benefits of Ventilation for your HVAC Comfort
Ventilation is not only beneficial for energy efficiency but help homeowners and commercial owners to have more control over the amount of outdoor air added to your space.